di Beatrice Majone

From 14th to 21th of February 2016, Beatrice Majone,  partner of Studio Majone Ingegneri Associati  held  two important seminars  in Myanmar  for Myanmar Engineering Society (MES) by the Universities of Mandalay and Yangon. The seminars were attended by professors, engineers and managers of constructions, water companies and chambers of commerce.

The seminars purpose was to share the historic Italian knowledge in water resources management and water infrastructure systems  with the Burma community of engineers that has to take on the development and growth of their country.

Beatrice Majone presented two important Italian case studies:

  • “I Navigli, from Naviglio Grande to Canale Villoresi”: the extraordinary hydraulic network  of canals of  Milan;
  • “ Flood risk mitigation of Genoa”: The hydraulic reorganization of Bisagno River;

The aim of the Italian Technical Delegation Seminar was not only to present flagship experiences in the fields of  hydraulic engineering, geotechnics and roads safety but also to deeply understand the technical necessities of Myanmar.

The whole mission has been organized by Stepp International and MES that hosted the Italian delegation and accompanied it on an intense and wide trip around Myanmar.

The tour included a visit to:

  • Cities  of Yangon and Mandalay
  • Myanmar International Terminal at Thilawa port
  • National Kandawgyi Garden and Great Marble Buddha Image at Pyin Oo Lwin
  • Gok Hteik Viaduct
  • River Irrawaddy
  • Bagan

Myanmar in 1948 became an independent republic but in 1962, a coup d’état by the military power, sank the country into a dark period of collective impoverishment. Only in May 1990, the government held free elections for the first time in almost 30 years and the National League for Democracy (NLD), the party of Aung San Suu Kyi, won 392 out of a total 492 seats. Nevertheless the military junta refused to cede power and continued to rule the nation until 1997. Since then Myanmar has passed throughout civil wars and natural disasters and only recently has opened to a democratization process that will lead the country towards economic growth.

In this strategic era for the country is paramount to look at foreigners examples and to adopt experiences trying to avoid the mistakes done by other countries. In this path Italy can be a loyal and knowledgeable partner.